1.A light framework covered with cloth, plastic, or paper, designed to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string.
2.They stuck a tail made of paper to one of the corners, and tied a long string to the centre of the kite.
3.There was a long string on the ball. Clifford took hold of the string and ran.
4.He himself noted that if 250m orangutans kept flipping coins, one of them would produce a long string of heads.
5.Chunking is the term for breaking up long string of words or numbers into small groups and using one of the other techniques.
6.This technique uses three double quotation marks (or three single quotation marks) to begin and end the long string.
7.Operator input in the screen with corresponding arc length, this equipment is long string of aluminum alloy can be finalize the bending.
8.Nothing says "What the hell was I thinking? " like watching Grandma confess to a very long string of lies she told to draw you in.
9.Second, fasten a key to the end of the long string.
10.or ssh-rsa for RSA encryption, where will be the host's public key and is typically a very long string.